Can Home CCTV Cameras be Hacked And How to Prevent It

Can Home CCTV Cameras be Hacked And How to Prevent It

install-cctv camera

Although it has occurred previously, installing an internet-connected security camera in your home does not guarantee that a wave of hackers will attack your Wi-Fi network.


How they hack your home/office CCTV camera system


A hacker must be within the wireless network range of the camera in order to access it locally. There, they would have to use a variety of techniques to get access to the wireless network, such brute-forcing the security password or impersonating the wireless network and jamming the real one.


Can you detect if your camera has been hacked?

Tilting or Panning

The camera being moved is one clear indication that your security system has been compromised. Usually, users use a computer or app to adjust the camera’s location. If the camera seems to be moving on its own, someone else—likely a hacker—is in charge of it.


How can CCTV Cameras be protected from hacking?


How can you determine if your CCTV cameras have been compromised? As frightening as it may seem, it is almost hard to know, and to a layperson or someone who lacks special training, it may easily go unreported.

If the system is operating slower than normal, it might be a symptom of a malicious assault. The system has to work harder when it has been compromised, which might cause the camera to slow down or stop functioning altogether.

This makes it a pretty weak and inefficient indication of an attack, however, since it might also be ascribed to a bad connection or signal and not only a hostile assault.

Therefore, it is important to take steps to avoid these assaults in the first place. You have to


Only install current technology equipment


You could believe it’s a smart idea to spend your money on low-quality, counterfeit CCTV cameras that you can readily get for a fourth of the cost. Okay, so it’s not.

By installing a weak system that is already compromised, you would risk considerably more than the money you would save on the equipment.

Always get your CCTV cameras from a reputable provider, and have a licensed, experienced, professional security firm install them so they can give you advice on the best kinds of cameras to get for your home or business. Make sure the CCTV Cameras installed in your home or office is using the latest product and not from older versions.


Ensure the security of your wireless link


It should go without saying that you should safeguard the Wi-Fi connection as well to prevent hackers from accessing your Wi-Fi-connected CCTV cameras for your home or businesses.

You may do this by setting a strong password for your router and updating it often, employing encryption, and disabling guest networking and sharing. To maximize safety, you may also put a firewall in between your devices and the internet connection.


Solidify your passwords


With all the technological improvements in the twenty-first century, you must undoubtedly be aware of the significance of a strong password.

What shocks me is how many users still use the system’s default login and password. These are often admin and 1234, and they are both quite simple to guess.

Strong passwords are your greatest line of defense against hackers, so be sure to use them while setting up your webcam. Use a phrase that is lengthy, complicated, and contains both capital and lowercase characters, numerals, and symbols.

Stay away from mentioning names, birthdays, and other details that hackers may readily get from your social network accounts.


Make two-factor authentication available


Set up this function on your CCTV camera if it is available to increase your security. By using two-factor authentication, the system sends a one-time password (OTP) to your phone through text, email, phone call, or authenticator app when you log into your app account, in addition to asking for your username and password. You then input the OTP into the app to log in.

By doing this, you can confirm that you are who you say you are and that someone else is not attempting to access your account. You should enable two-factor authentication on all of your social media and email accounts since it is a really helpful feature. If you haven’t already, turn it on now!


Update the firmware on your camera


Updates that address software faults and other vulnerabilities will be sent out by the CCTV system’s producers on a regular basis. These upgrades make the system operate more effectively while safeguarding the camera and your security.

When updates are released, some systems immediately download them while others need to be manually updated. Whatever the situation, always keep your systems current if you’re serious about maintaining the secrecy of your personal life.

The benefits of CCTV Cameras for your home/business


Undoubtedly unsettling is the idea of having your security penetrated by a hacker. But the reality is that you can’t completely rule out the potential of it occurring in this day and age.

Actually, the majority of your data is now online and vulnerable to hacking. By adopting the proper security and privacy precautions, you can keep it away from malicious individuals.

CCTV cameras operate similarly. Simply use them with extreme caution and get the rewards. Here are all the justifications for installing CCTV cameras on your property:


Crime Prevention


CCTV systems work against thieves’ strongest ally, stealth, thus they help keep your property safe from all types of criminals, including burglars, invaders, and vandals. They purposefully avoid areas where there are CCTV cameras because they don’t want to get caught on camera.

Business owners may utilize it to prevent internal risks, such as theft and damage caused by irate workers, in addition to exterior dangers from outside the building.


Filed Evidence


Even if someone breaches into your property, the video may be utilized to locate, apprehend, and punish the offender while also, ideally, retrieving all the stolen things.

The legislation encourages the installation of CCTV cameras inside and outside of a building since it makes it easier for police to do their duties. However, extra care must be taken to ensure that the installations adhere to the rules and regulations governing CCTV.


District Monitoring


CCTV cameras provide more benefits than merely home security. Additionally, they let you to keep an eye on your home and its residents while you’re away.

It may be used by homeowners to keep an eye on their loved ones, pets, and the home in general, and by business owners to keep tabs on their staff (they must be informed about it, though).


Lower Insured Premiums


Since installing CCTV cameras on a home significantly lowers the likelihood that it will be used as a target for crime, the majority of insurers support the notion and provide discounts and lower rates to customers who do so. The likelihood of filing a claim decreases as the likelihood of being burgled increases.

The discounts and incentives may differ across insurers, and for the majority, owners must not only have a CCTV security system installed but also maintain it correctly to assure its efficacy in order to qualify for a discount or even file a claim.


Aid to Law Enforcement


The use of CCTV cameras by law enforcement organizations across the globe has been very advantageous. They aid in gathering evidence against crimes and catching offenders, as was already indicated.

Installing outside CCTV systems with cameras that capture outside video will enable you to contribute to the investigation of crimes. For instance, if a neighboring business is broken into, you may provide the authorities with access to your CCTV video of the neighborhood to help them identify the thieves.


Reliable CCTV Camera


Hikvision is our top choice for the finest manufacturer of CCTV cameras for residential and commercial security. It safeguards buildings against all dangers, including theft, vandalism, and hacking.

One of the top CCTV manufacturers in the world, Hikvision offers both analogue and IP systems as part of their full solution for residential and commercial security.

With ColorVu and AcuSense technology, their Turbo HD devices provide a simple, inexpensive, and analogue solution. They also have some fantastic features like dual detection and multi-device alerts.

They provide a range of systems, including dome, half-dome, fixed, bullet, integrated cameras, etc., all built with state-of-the-art supplemental infrared illumination technology, appropriate for both indoor and outdoor application.

The IP products, on the other hand, provide more cutting-edge capabilities, such as Artificial Intelligence, along with improved resolution and video quality. PTZ dome cameras, panoramic cameras, and cameras for specialized uses are all part of their systems.




1st Solution Group is a well-established CCTV service provider in Singapore. It was established a decade ago specializing exclusively in security systems such as Close Circuit Television (CCTV), Data Communications, Security Systems, Phone Systems, Alarm Systems, Door Access, Time Attendance and many more.

If you are looking for a low cost and affordable CCTV quotation for your business, then 1st Solution Group is your best bet for ensuring that your company’s protection never falters. Get in touch with us now!

You can send us your requirements via WhatsApp to 9855 6824


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  • Jason

    Jason is an expert in CCTV, door access, solar panels, and video intercom systems, with over 10 years of experience in the security industry. He graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree. Jason offers tailored solutions and exceptional customer service, committed to ensuring the safety and security of clients' businesses and homes. When he's not working on security projects, he enjoys relaxing in his apartment, watching Netflix.